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ClockOS with Display

For some time I wanted to add a time and date display to the ClockOS board that I bought in April 2015. The original ClockOS was a Kickstarter project and consists of the outer ring with the Arduino microprocessor, and 3×60 RGB LEDs for displaying hours, minutes and seconds. Five years later I finally got round to actually creating a small board on which I have mounted the display using 7 segment LED displays.

The ClockOS is based on the Arduino and I had the original source code, so it was no problem extending the original code to also include the code needed to control the display. I actually rewrote most of the code to make it more efficient and to add the functionality for the display. You can find the improved Arduino firmware on GitHub.

The display is based on the Holtek HT16K33 chip which communicates with the host microcontroller using I2C and there are Arduino libraries available to support this chip making it very easy to implement.

Below are some images of the board in making and also some examples of different configurations that is possible and can easily be changed using a very simple menu system which is navigated by three buttons on the backside of the ClockOS board.

Here is the ClockOS – 7-Segment Display Board rev 1.1 – schematics (pdf) for this construction.

It might be possible to buy unpopulated boards from me, contact me if you are interested in getting one!

Components used in this project

The following components were used in this project:

  • 1 pcs ClockOS board (Arduino based)
  • 1 pcs ClockOS 7-Digit display board (custom design by Hazze Molin)
  • 1 pcs Holtek HT16K33 16×8 I2C LED drivers
  • 6 pcs SC08-11SURKWA 7 segment Red LED-displays
  • 8 pcs 3mm LEDs (red or any colour combination you like)
  • 16 pcs 0ohm 0.25W 0805 resistors (adjust resistances depending on actual LEDs used)


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    • Mario on 2023-10-28 at 14:17
    • Reply

    Hello there,
    great idea!
    I also have a ClockOS board like this, unfortunately no housing. I think the idea of the additional digital display is very good. Would you share the ino data and schematic. I would be very happy about that.

    Many greetings, Mario

    1. Hello Mario!
      Thank you for your comment!
      Yes, I can share the Arduino code and schematics! The schematics I have now uploaded on this page, see the link above. I will publish the Arduino code on GitHub for you as well in a couple of days.
      If you are interested I have a couple of boards left, so you can buy a board without any components soldered. The board is made for the SC08-11SURKWA 7-segment displays and the Holtek HT16K33 breakout board.
      Best Regards

    2. Hello!
      The page has now been updated with links to my Github repository where you can find the improved code which is also handling the display.
      Best Regards

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