Mint Hazely – The Cozmic Bird

The Cozmic Bird

Mint Hazely feat. CC Gold – The Cozmic Bird

Flying through time and space, the honest and lovely Cozmic Bird is everywhere on the mission of finding Mr Right… Enjoy the flight!

This song is written and produced by Mint Hazely, and the vocals are performed by CC Gold. Cover art by Gustaf Ullman.

You can find the single online on the web in places such as Spotify, Tidal, iTunesSoundCloud, YouTube, Amazon, Deezer, Slacker, and many other online services.

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National Day in Sweden 2016

National Day Gallop

National Day Gallop

A beautiful National Day in Sweden 2016. A couple of photos from the National Day Gallop in Gärdet in Stockholm.

Photos from the National Day in Sweden 2016

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Warsaw 2016


At the end of April 2016 I visited Warsaw. Here you can find a couple of the photos that I took on this trip.

Photos of Warsaw 2016

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That Sugar Film

I’ve just viewed That Sugar Film (2014) on svtplay. If there is one film you should see this year, it might well be this one!

As you may already know the food industry is adding sugar to foods that you can buy in the food store. Up to 80% of the products in the store contain sugar. Because the sugar is very cheap it is put into the food to make the products taste more and to make the consumers sugar addictive so that they buy more and more of the products. In this way the food industry earns billions every year on the sugar alone.

Damon Gameau, who normally think of the food he buys and eats, tries the foods containing sugar for two months in order to see if anything happens to his body. The result is chocking as his body starts to break down…

You can view That Sugar Film on YouTube. Don’t miss the chance to see it!

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SmartaMaten talk

Åsa Jakobsson and Hazze Molin

Åsa Jakobsson and Hazze Molin

Last night I went to an interesting talk “Health and diet: Who to believe – and why?” by Åsa Jakobsson who founded She is a dietist really interested in healthy foods and is focusing on healthy diets based on alkaline foods.

I was really inspired and can recommend her recipes which are really tasty and also very healthy!

You can find a lot of interesting information that she has written (in Swedish) on her website.

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