Tag: Sweden

Dalhalla 2017

Photos from Dalhalla 2017. – All photos Copyright Hazze Molin .

Permanent link to this article: https://hazzemolin.se/projects/photography/dalhalla-2017/

National Day in Sweden 2017

A beautiful National Day at National Day Gallop in Gärdet in Stockholm in Sweden 2017.

Permanent link to this article: https://hazzemolin.se/post/national-day-in-sweden-2017/

JFokus 2017

I attended JFokus 2017, the 11th edition of the biggest Java conference in Sweden! About 1700 Java developers joined the conference listening to many interesting talks.

Permanent link to this article: https://hazzemolin.se/post/jfokus-2017/

Stim Music Expo 2016

This autumn I went to the Stim Music Expo 2016 in Malmö, Sweden. There were some interesting talks and many song writers attending the event. Great to meet so many inspiring music composers! Thank you!

Permanent link to this article: https://hazzemolin.se/post/stim-music-expo-2016/

UX Open 2016

Today I went to UX Open 2016 in Stockholm. It was great meeting and sharing tips with more than 200 UX enthusiasts.

Permanent link to this article: https://hazzemolin.se/post/ux-open-2016/

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