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Indivision AGA 1200 MK2cr

Indivision AGA flicker fixer and DVI port

Shield with holes cut out.

I have upgraded my Amiga 1200 with a flicker fixer and DVI port, allowing it to be connected to a modern monitor.

The upgrade is quite simple, just push it on top of the Lisa chip and mount the DVI connector and you are done! No soldering required, so it is a good upgrade even if you have little experience with electronics before.

You also need to cut a hole in the top shield to make room for the flicker fixer and a small whole on the right side for the cable to the connector to pass through.

Leaving the top shield off is not recommended as the Amiga might interfere with other equipment, and some also means it might make your Amiga unstable as well.

The upgrade works really well and make my Amiga feel very modern!

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